Auto Insurance
Coverage for drivers and vehicle owners in NJ and PA.
Your vehicles and your safety are important to you, so making sure you have the best insurance coverage is just as important.
When it comes to auto insurance in Bordentown and Hamilton, NJ, we understand that you’re looking for the best coverage at the lowest cost. That’s where we come in. We’ll help you get your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, RV, or off-road vehicle insured for less.
Even the best drivers take a significant risk every time they get behind the wheel. Auto insurance provides financial help when you or another motorist make mistakes. If you don’t have insurance, you must pay for damages and injuries yourself. Exactly what risks are covered and how much you would be compensated depends on the details of your specific policy, the deductible you select, and the limits of compensation you agree to.
Auto Insurance Quote
Our friendly staff will take the time to understand your unique requirements, and craft an auto insurance quote that meets your need and price range.
Car Insurance
Truck Insurance
Motorcycle Insurance
Boat Insurance
RV Insurance
ATV Insurance
Auto Insurance Coverages
Fault is an important factor when it comes to auto coverage. If you cause a car accident and therefore are at fault, your property damage liability and bodily injury liability will pay for the other vehicle’s repairs, the medical costs for anyone injured in the other vehicle, and such things as legal fees or other accident-related costs. Liability coverage has limits that are established when you purchase your policy. You must pay for anything above that limit, unless you have an additional insurance policy.
If you crash into another vehicle or some object like a telephone pole, collision coverage will pay for damage or repairs to your vehicle after you pay the deductible. For example, if your collision coverage has a $1,000 deductible and the damage to your car costs $2,500, your collision coverage will pay $1,500 after you pay the first $1,000.

Sometimes this coverage is called “other than collision.” It will compensate you for damages caused by something other than a traffic accident. For example, if a bear looking for food damages your car, or your car is stolen, you will be reimbursed for some portion of the loss if you have comprehensive coverage. As with collision coverage, you choose a deductible for comprehensive coverage.
Underinsured motorist
Most standard auto insurance policies will not cover damages or medical bills not covered by an uninsured or underinsured at-fault party. Underinsured motorist insurance can protect you in the event of an accident with a driver whose insurance is not enough to cover the costs.
Medical expenses
Regardless of who is at fault, your medical coverage will pay for medical bills to treat any injuries that you or your passengers may experience in a car accident. It also will pay the medical costs for injuries that you or your family members may suffer while passengers in someone else’s car.
Auto Insurance Resources
Understanding the Impact of Deductibles on Insurance Premiums
When it comes to insurance, finding the right policy at an affordable...
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